maaf lambat skit update blog coz bz ngan full celebrating xtvt wit my F.A.M.I.L.Y,
that is my nyawa n my chenta mati :))
syukur alhamdulillah pd ari sabtu baru2 nie da ter'kurang' skit umur ke 20thn~ :PP
da lama da aku idup ek~
b'syukur sgt2 coz byk trima wish dr Family n Friends kat phone n fb~
much LOVE :))
insyaAllah,AMIN sgala yg d doakan~~
may Allah S.W.T always bless all of u,AMIN!
sapa org first tu sya xkisah la asalkan ada wish!
sepanjang 15 Oktober,sya cuba menikmati stiap saat,minit n jam dgn senyuman d bibir~ :))
bday gurl bgn awal nie,yala ari plg bahagia n apy dlm idup!
btw,credit to my bro's friend , Cosmas coz sing me Happy Birthday song tem baru bgn tu! (blur but apy)
also here wan to give special credit to my beloved family n friends that sing Happy Birthday's song to me;
my hunn Kiming when we are skype ing
my chenta mati kicik wit his sister n brother when i called them - Yoi, kak Ana n Aidil
my hero aka my big brother,Apik when i called him at RDC
my chenta mati Dyna when i called her on my mxs num!
Justin Teoh when i called him on my mxs num! (Chinese version)
heee~ :DD
last minit plan mo gi RDC tgk burung ngan my besty but they can't make it
so i brought my lil sis,Adik n my chenta mati kicik, Yoi
n also Ara but she's sick n no mood >.<'
then Aidil can make it,so 4 of us la~
let me story to all of u by looking at the pictures;
bukti kami melihat burung ah~ hihihi :PP
adik tu takut sgt tem kat jambatan nie~ coz bday gurl kakaknya nie kasi goyang2 n lompat2 brabis! hahaha :PP
jauh ketinggalan d belakang kami tinggalkan~ hihihi :PP
uhh~ mcm apa jak muka~~ takut kunun mo naik itu jambatan yg sgt tinggi! =.='
nie la jambatan tu~ skit tinggi n tangga dia b'pusing2 nie~ ehh pening kpala aku! blom lg naik smpai atas skali tu~~ xmau la~ GAYAT!
andu ba~~ tem nie half way sdh round itu jambatan tinggi~ fuhh~ cYoi smpai t'duduk da~ :DD
air merah, air biru,
saya sangat haus! huhuhu~ :PP
rehat jap! kepenatan tul da kecian~~
me wit my kazen plg encem n trep macho,Aidil Azhar! :))
tem mo beli aiskrim,tiba2 ada plak abg Mat Kool nie dtg~ uhh~ sebenarnya takut nie ngan kpala dia yg besar tu! sbb tu xmau gmbr dekat2 dia~ >.<
our next destination! :DD
last xtvt,sabar menunggu giliran dorang mo naik bot air tu ka apa namanya~ :))
risau menengok n biar dorang tp selamat smpai juga dorang ke darat! fuhh~ time to go home! :DD
(special picture for you) guess who?? it's ME! tut* mnta abg tukang lukis tu lukiskan muka sya jd kartun,begini la jdnya~ huhhh~ SANGAT BEZA ok! >.<"
that's all the xtvt tem siang,pd malamnya pulak
bday gurl pi celebrate ngan his bodyguard n the geng!
we've watch late movie and eat KFC!
movie about Apollo 18 tut* (thumbs down)
special thank you to my bro's geng Man Man aka Maman for the treat! :DD
u know, my bro n his geng all fallen asleep while i'm trying to understand the movie like tut*
but still have a GREAT+EXHAUSTED+HAPPIEST time with the boys!
my charming bodyguard ini~ smbil pegang tiket wyg kami, muka skit kancang!~ t'tido ba dia tem dlm keta coz kepenatan nie dr kenduri d rmh cMaman :))
mam nie jak pun still xdpt abis~ huhh~ coz da mam KFC awal2 tem dorang bpa n adik beli sebelum kluar tgk movie~ but yeah THANX Maman! :))
sedar tak sedar 15 Oktober telah melabuhkan tirainya~ cehh~ Syukur Alhamdulillah ada byk juga org sayang kat aku nie,always make me SMILE and keep SMILE~
honestly,i DO have a BLAST on my happiest day ever! wit F.A.M.I.L.Y :))
eventhough,HIM still not wish me anything~ hmmm
but still keep waiting n waiting for HIM to wish me
even it's too late~ >.<"
that's all happen in my entire life on my belated birthday~
P/s: iLOVEthemtiltheend
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